Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Suggestions please :)

For any of you who may have gotten a chance to check out my etsy store (noted in yesterday's post) - I was wondering if there were any other types of crocheted items you might like to see in my store? Also, what's your favorite item currently listed?
I have been crocheting just about forever. Since I was seven years old. I learned from my mom and my grandma. I love it! I am definately addicted. I have yarn and patterns coming out my ears. (Though not nearly so much as I have scrapbooking supplies! They just seem to make more of them.) If I see a sale on yarn I just have to have it - or that pattern that I just know I'll make SOMEDAY! Just ask my husband, he doesn't even get to use our closet. We have a walk in closet and the whole thing is taken up with craft supplies of one type or another. It's crazy!
If you have a story or memory to share about crochet I would love for you to share it here. When did you learn to crochet? Is there something special someone crocheted for you that you will always cherish?
The very first thing I remember crocheting was for my dad. I remember he would come home from work and tell me how cold his nose would get at work. So I crocheted him a nose warmer! It was something like a surgical mask - it was made from green and white verigated yarn - and he has it to this day!!!

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