Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Gotta Love a wooden crochet hook!!!

There is nothing better than the feel of a wooden crochet hook when you are spending countless hours on your latest project! As much money as I spend on yarn, and patterns, I enjoy buying hooks even more. Today I am going to let you in on some great places I have found to get some beautiful hooks, much of em at unbelievable prices. Just wait until you lay your eyes on these hooks! One of my favorite sites (and a very affordable one for someone just getting into wooden hooks) is Turn of The Century they have other things besides crochet hooks, but the hooks are my favorite. Once you try a wood hook you'll never want to go back!
Another great site for gorgeous hooks (can't wait to get one of my own someday) is Brains Barn. He has some absolutely unique hooks and from the looks of it can make anything you can come up with!
Currently, these are my two favorite sites to visit and drool over the hooks. There are also some wonderful fellow sellers on Etsy who feature crochet hooks (Designs by Tami stands out for her adorable clay animal topped hooks!). Fantastic handmade hooks of all descriptions can be found on e-bay and you get the fun of out bidding others on the hunt.
If you haven't strayed from the boring aluminum hooks of old, I challenge you to treat yourself to one of these treasures, and feel the difference a wooden crochet hook can make in your work today!!!

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